Discover our complete solutions portfolio covering Cathodic Protection and Corrosion management - PCB design and plating - Functional and decorative plating - Electrocoating - Acoustics
Elsyca V-PIMS
A revolution in digital PIMS combining Pipeline Corrosion Integrity Management System (PIMS) and computational modeling capabilities
Elsyca IRIS
Deep analysis of AC threats supporting efficient mitigation systems computer-aided design
Elsyca CatPro
Graphical simulation platform for cathodic protection and DC stray current analysis of pipeline networks
Elsyca CPManager
3D CAD-based software simulation platform for the computer-aided design and analysis of cathodic protection installations
Elsyca ACTA
Unique solution offering accurate, disambiguated, and tailored risk ranking report of pipeline networks
Elsyca PlatingManager
Leverage a digital twin of your plating line to predict plating performance and increase manufacturing capacity
Elsyca PCBBalance
The world’s only PCB DFM software that applies automated and optimized copper balancing to your PCB design and panel layout.
Elsyca PCBPlate
State-of-the-art graphical simulation platform for enhancing the plating performance of your PCB panel and pattern plating processes.
Elsyca ECoatMaster
CAD independent software platform for the simulation of the automotive electrocoating process of a body-in-white (BIW).
Elsyca EPOS
Simulate the performances of electropolishing processes based on a virtual mock-up of the electropolishing cell.
Elsyca AnodizingManager
State-of-the-art graphical simulation platform for analyzing the production performance and quality of anodizing processes.
Elsyca CorrosionMaster
CorrosionMaster identifies corrosion hot spots and predicts corrosion rates, enabling engineers to look at alternative material combinations and/or coating systems, or investigate corrosion-mitigating measures.
Elsyca LeakageMaster
Improve vehicles interior acoustic comfort by performing upfront virtual smoke tests.
Elsyca MeshingMaster
Automatically creates meshes for a variety of applications such as acoustics, CFD, thermal analysis, etc
Elsyca XPlorer
Interactive simulation results viewer for Finite Elements results
Elsyca XPlorer3D
Analyze, Understand and Get Immersed in your results

Learn more about Elsyca's solutions and their application

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Technical paper
Initiating Corrosion Prevention During the Design Phase: Utilizing Computer Aided Analysis to evaluate Corrosion Risks During Material Selection
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Technical paper
Digital Twin as a Tool for Extending In-Line Inspection Intervals (AMPP 2024)
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Technical paper
Cathodic Protection Optimization using Integrated External Corrosion Management (AMPP 2024)
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Technical paper
Shortening the path towards successful adoption of Cr(VI)-free electroplating process (AEROMAT 2024)
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Technical paper
Enhancing the mechanical properties of 3D printed plastic components through electroplating process, pre-optimization with a Computer Aided Engineering approach (AEROMAT 2024)
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Technical paper
Controlling AC Safety and Corrosion Risk Assessment on Pipelines with Digital Twins
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Technical paper
Interference effect of a bridge concrete foundation structure on buried pipeline
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Technical paper
Smart Design: Sustainable solution for automated and optimized Cu balancing
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Technical paper
Digital twin concept in Cu electroplating processes for better process control and superior metal finish
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Technical paper
Digital Twin model for pro-active pipeline maintenance - An external corrosion case study (PTC 2023)
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Technical paper
A Novel Digital twin Approach for Non-Intrusive Tank Bottom Corrosion Assessment (AMPP 2023)
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Technical paper
Case Study: Integrated External Corrosion Management for A 12-Inch Crude Oil Pipeline (AMPP 2023)
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Technical paper
Optimizing Pipeline AC Threat Assessments using Computational Aided Engineering (CAE) Modelling (AMPP 2023)
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Technical paper
Internal ICCP of Offshore Wind Monopile Foundations (AMPP 2023)
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Validating Digital Twin Model of a Complex Pipeline System (AMPP 2023)
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Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning in Integrated External Corrosion Management (AMPP 2023)
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Modeling Zn-Ni plating performance including a hydrogen effluence risk estimation (AEROMAT 2023)
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Technical paper
Taking electroplating processes to the next level via Computer Aided Engineering approach (AEROMAT 2023)
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Post-processing surface treatment in the age of 3D printing: Electropolishing know-how (AEROMAT 2023)
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Technical paper
Laying the Foundation for an Engineered and Integrated Approach to Pipeline External Corrosion Protection (AMPP 2022)
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Technical paper
Variances in Pipeline AC Interference Computational Modeling (NACE 2019)
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Technical paper
CP Effectiveness at Horizontal Directionally Drilled Crossings (NACE 2016)
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New model for CP-systems of offshore structures (Eurocorr 2015)
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Investigating railway corrosion
(NACE 2015)
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ICCP retrofit for an offshore jacket
(NACE 2015)
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Airframe corrosion challenges
(NACE 2015)
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Technical paper
CP for multiple pipeline row's
(NACE 2015)
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Modeling & pipeline integrity management
(MECC, Feb 2014)
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Technical paper
Combining In-Line Inspection and Cathodic Protection Simulation (NACE 2013)
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Predicting Galvanic Corrosion Effects on Airframe Systems (NACE 2013)
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Technical paper
Accurate Modelling and Troubleshooting of AC Interference Problems on Pipelines
(NACE 2012)
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Technical paper
CP validation for offshore structures
(NACE 2012)
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Technical paper
Galvanic corrosion of multi-metal assemblies (NACE 2012)
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Technical paper
ICCP Design of the Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm (NACE Corrosion, 2010)
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DC traction interference on pipelines
(NACE 2010)
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Technical paper
Rack design for electroplating of door handles
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Technical paper
Characterisation of a Zn / Ni plating bath
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