October 27, 2021
Have a look inside our lab and meet Ali Khangholi, who recently joined Elsyca as a full-time researcher after his PhD.
Ali is a Materials Engineer, experienced in areas of electrochemistry, surface characterization, polymers, plasma process, metallurgy, coating applications, and Printed Circuit Boards.

Born and raised in Iran, Ali moved to Belgium in 2012 to study at KULeuven. He finalized his PhD in 2019 and started his career at METALogic (member of TÜV AUSTRIA Group) and so now he participates in research projects and supports all lab activities at Elsyca. The research projects include a variety of electrochemical and corrosion related topics in different industries such as aerospace, electronics, chemical, automotive and etc. His lab activities are focused on characterization of electrochemical surface treatment and corrosion processes.
Ali is passionate about traveling and socializing. He enjoys being around people, to learn from different cultures and to make long lasting friends.